Shadowing RD at Norris Health and Rehab long-term
care facility (Sep 2011-present)
-Research and complete client history and intake assessment
-Patient and care-taker interviewing
-Specialty diets, enteral formulas and feedings
-Patient monitoring and re-evaluation
-Foodservice oversight
-Staff In-service presentations
-Staff In-service presentations
Shadowing RD at Children’s Hospital, GI for Kids Pediatric
Gastroenterology (Sep 2011-present)
-Calculate patient nutrient and fluid needs
-Patient and care-taker interviewing and assessment
-Patient progress tracking and evaluation
-Patient and care-taker education regarding
nutrient needs and nutrient administration skills
Food Service
Student Manager at Snelling Dining Hall, University of Georgia (Jan-May 2008)
-Promoted Internally from student worker position (Jan-Dec 2007)
-Supervised 25+ student workers (between 15-20 workers per shift
-Ensured food production and service followed state and local Food
Safety Inspection Guidelines
-Scheduled student employees
-Trained new employees
Skills Acquired: Leadership, Management, Organization, Food Safety Laws and Regulations
Catering at Irwin County High School, Ocilla, GA (1999-2002)
-Assisted with the safe and sanitary preparation of 1200+ meals
for Fundraiser.
-Assisted with the safe and sanitary production, service, and
clean up of banquet meals for 300+ persons for Honors
Banquets at ICHS High School.
-Career-Technical Foods Program/Catering Class: Planning,
production, set-up and service of receptions, small dinners
(12- 36 meals)
Skills Acquired: Recipe use and development, Food Preparation techniques, meal planning, organization, food safety, customer service
Public Health
UNSA (Undergraduate Nutrition Student Association) Nutrition Blog Author (Sep 2011-present)
-Developed and designed blog focusing on nutritional topics
and easy healthy recipes
-Postings twice a week
-Researched, cited, and based articles on USDA and ADA
-Average 80-85 site visits per week
VolAware Street Fair (Oct. 5, 2011)
-Prepared 200+ healthy snacks for handout at UNSA booth
-Presented nutrition information to 230+ street fair participants
NEAT Program, Hardin Valley Elementary School (Sept-Dec 2010)
-Prepared and set up Nutrition focused activities and presentations
for YMCA after school program attendees
-Preformed presentations and demonstrations as well as lead
group activities for 50+ students in three different age groups
(kindergarten-1st, 2nd-3rd, 4th-5th)
Coalition Against Childhood Obesity (Nov. 11, 2010)
-Led physical activities for children and served a healthy snack